Vegan Food Nerd


Liebster Award

I have been nominated for the Liebster Award by a lovely blogger named Lissa over at The Kitchen Rebellion.  Thank you Lissa!


I have done a little bit of internet research, and the Liebster Award is given to bloggers by bloggers. The idea is to nominate newer or smaller blogs (ie. those with less than 200 followers) to share some more information about themselves, and in the process help promote and explore some new blogs. It’s basically all about spreading love amongst the blog community, and I am honoured to be included. I started this blog less than a month ago, and already I have made some wonderful connections and discovered some really great blogs.

Since I am currently participating in Vegan MoFo, I will be nominating some of the wonderful vegan food blogs I have discovered that are also participating.

Here are the rules:

1. Answer the questions given and then come up with 10 new ones to ask your nominees.
2. Nominate 8 other blogs, let them know you have nominated them and put a link to their blog in your post.
3. No Tag backs.
4. Nominees must have under 200 followers on any platform. (This can be difficult to determine if not listed!)
5. You must tell all the blogs that you nominate that you have nominated them

So here goes!

1) Do you have a favourite cookbook?

  • I have a few! Isa’s cookbooks tend to be my go to choices for everyday meals (ie. Veganomicon and Appetite for Reduction) – everything out of these books always tastes great! For dinner parties or fancier options I’d have to go with Vegan Secret Supper. We just picked up the Oh She Glows cookbook and I’m sure it will soon become a favourite.

2) If you had to choose one recipe on your blog for us to try, which would it be?

3) Who are your biggest inspirations?

  • In the kitchen? My mom and nonna have probably taught me the most in the kitchen, most of the time just from observing. My partner in crime/the dude in my life has definitely been my more recent inspiration. His culinary skills have helped me learn a lot and cooking together is one of my favourite ways to experiment and try new things.

4) What is the favourite piece of clothing in your wardrobe, and why?

  • Probably the new fleece tights I picked up for winter – they are so warm and dress season can continue! That or any of my cozy sweaters. Sweaters are the best.

5) What is your favourite one hit wonder?

  • Biz Markie – Just a Friend

6) When do you feel most awesome?

  • Every time a recipe looks and tastes great! Also, while teaching a fun topic. I do love my job.

7) What is the first thing you learned how to cook?

  • Eggs. Scrambled, soft boiled and every other way you can imagine. (My childhood self didn’t know I would stop eating eggs in the future)

8) Do you plan your meals each week?

  • Not in super fine detail. I’d like to be better at planning my week’s meals, but instead it tends to be planning for some meals and just picking up what looks good/what’s in season and turning them into something.

9) Do you have any pets? 😀

  • Yes. Her name is Molly and she’s a black cat.

10) What is one piece of advice that would you give to people who are brand new to vegan cooking?

  • Keep it simple at first and then try to add in more recipes to your repertoire and try more complicated things as you go. Also, use and Isa’s cookbooks because they won’t make you miss your pre-vegan days!

Thanks for reading! I nominate the following yummy food blogs that I may not have learned about if it were not for Vegan MoFo:

Your questions:

  1. What is the most memorable meal you’ve had?
  2. What’s your favourite music to cook to?
  3. What’s your biggest guilty pleasure?
  4. Do you like to read? If so, what novel/book would you recommend?
  5. Is there one blog you have been most inspired by?
  6. What 5 pantry staples can you not live without?
  7. How do you wind down from a crazy, hectic day?
  8. What’s your favourite board game?
  9. Which three people (alive or dead) would you invite to a dinner party this weekend? Why?
  10. What’s your favourite quote? If you don’t have one, how about a favourite joke?