Vegan Food Nerd


Welcome to my little piece of the internet food blogging world! My name is Maria and I am dedicating this space to my journeys in vegan cooking and baking. I decided to turn to a vegetarian diet  in early 2006 for mainly environmental and health reasons, with the added bonus of not agreeing with factory farming practices (of course). As a biology student, I realized my impact eating less animal products would have and went with it. Through most of that time I still ate cheese, eggs and although I baked at home without any animal products, I would eat other baked goods regardless of how they were made. (I really love cookies, who doesn’t!?)

After reading some more books, and watching some more documentaries, I decided to give veganism a try in February 2013. After only a month, I lost some weight and my skin cleared up. I realized my body could no longer tolerate dairy products the same way, and so I have stuck with it ever since.

Although I already had some experience with vegan cooking and plenty with vegan baking, I have been experimenting and trying new ideas and meals to expand my repertoire. I decided to start this blog as a way of sharing my trials and tribulations and hopefully inspire some vegan eating in your own household!

3 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello from Kitchen Rebellion HQ! 🙂 I have nominated you to join in the Liebster Awards! If you are keen or curious, check out the details in my own Liebster post here:

    Love your blog! ♥


  2. Pingback: Random Facts about healthy vegan blogger Lauren at Kale and Cupcake | Kale and Cupcake

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